Frequently asked questions

~ When should I start having my puppy professionally groomed?

As soon as your puppy has had their first set of shots, 8 to 12 weeks. This gets them used to sights, smells and sounds of the grooming salon, as well as introducing them to grooming procedures. We recommend starting them with a bath, blow dry and nail trimming the first time.

~How often should I have my dog professionally groomed?

It depends on the breed, coat, and owner preference. Most pets should be groomed every 4, 8, or 12 weeks.

~How long does the grooming process take?

It depends on the breed size, coat and condition of the coat. It can take up to 3 hours.

~What if my dogs coat is matted?

Few and small mats are easy to remove, but major matting may require the groomer to shave the coat close to the body. Attempting to remove large mats can be stressful and painful for your pet. Fortunately their coat will grow back, and you can keep them on a regular grooming schedule to avoid the problem in the future.

~How often should I have my dogs nails trimmed?

Start with once a month and let your groomer advise you on the rate at which your dogs nails are growing. Dogs nails grow at different rates depending on the age, health or the amount of exercise they get and what kinds of surfaces they are exercising on. Start trimming nails regularly as a puppy to keep them short and compact.

~Do you brush my pets teeth?

Typically, we do not brush teeth; the reason being is that unless your pets teeth are brushed daily, brushing only on grooming days will not improve the health of pets teeth and gums. If you are regular at brushing your pets teeth, discuss having your groomer brush your dogs teeth upon drop-off.

~How much do grooming services cost?

The exact cost depends on the breed size, coat and coat condition, temperament during the grooming process and services performed.

~Can I stay with my pet while they are being groomed?

For the safety of your pet and the groomer, we do not allow clients to remain with their pets during grooming. Typically pets will not respond to groomer commands while “mom or dad ” are present.

~Will my pet be caged while in your care?

Yes, we cage pets before and after the grooming process for their safety. Typically, we start your pet when they arrive, and call you for pickup as soon as they are finished.

~What if my pet is old?

If your pet has a very hard time standing, or has serious health problems, such as severe heart conditions or seizures, we would recommend you have your pet groomed at a veterinarian where they can monitor your pet more carefully while being groomed, and be able to react if things go wrong. You can also try a mobile grooming service that could come to your home, which may be less stressful for your older pooch.

~How is my pet dried?

Mostly we hand dry your pet. Sometimes there is a need for cage drying when your pet experiences stress with hand drying especially around the face. Pets are monitored constantly during the cage drying process and are always on a low or cool gentle setting. If you have concerns, please talk to your groomer when you drop off your pet.

~Do we express anal glands?

Yes, we express them externally if they are full when checked, after receiving permission upon drop off.

~Can I leave my pet there all day?

Unfortunately not, since we are not a dog daycare center. We want your pet to enjoy being in our care, so prompt pickup helps keep them from getting restless and stressed from being here too long.

~What is your cancellation policy?

24 hours prior to your appointment is greatly appreciated. We understand that life happens, so this may not be possible at times. Repetitive no shows or less than 24 hour notices will result in full payment for the missed appointment.

~What are the benefits of regular grooming?

Your pet’s skin and coat will stay healthy, and groomers can often detect issues with ears, and skin, including lumps, wounds or foxtails that may go unnoticed by the owner. Keeping nails short will also reinforce healthy foot structure.

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